Everything You Need to Know About the Gut-Brain Axis
The gut and brain are interconnected more than we previously thought—new research is proving it. These discoveries have huge potential to help people with gut issues with help from their brain. And help people with brain or mood issues with help from their gut.

A Guide to Food Allergies vs. Sensitivities
Food allergies and sensitivities (or intolerances) are increasingly common. You’ve heard of nut-free schools and gluten-free foods, and yes, some people truly need to avoid even the tiniest traces of these foods. In fact, millions of Americans experience allergic reactions to foods every year. While most reactions are mild, some can be life-threatening and require emergency treatment or hospitalization.

Experiencing Leaky Gut? Make These Nutrition Changes
Harvard Health calls it a “medical mystery” and “mysterious ailment.” It’s been linked to everything from gut troubles, autoimmune diseases, and even mental health concerns.
I’m talking about “leaky gut” or “intestinal permeability”—have you heard of it?

What You Need to Know About Hunger, Appetite, and Food Cravings
We’ve all felt what it’s like to be hungry, have an appetite, and experience intense food cravings. Hunger is the feeling we get when our stomachs are empty (1). Appetite is the desire to eat food. Food cravings are different.

Your Guide to Probiotics, Prebiotics, and “Psychobiotics”
Probiotics and prebiotics are very popular dietary supplements. After vitamins and minerals, more American adults use probiotics or prebiotics than any other supplement (1). And there is good reason for this. Not only is gut health becoming recognized as a key pillar of overall physical health, but recent studies point to the influence a healthy gut has on mental health, as well.